Comments on: Your Loveworld With Pastor Chris – Testimonies From Around The World Giving your life a meaning Sun, 10 Apr 2022 21:57:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Allora Campbell Ojeaga Sun, 10 Apr 2022 21:57:26 +0000 I want to thank the Lord for him mercies and for bringing pastor Chris into my life . Thank you pastor sir for your love .
It was in the year 2020 I missed my period for 3 months after which it came and I started bleeding heavily without stopping after a week of continuous bleeding I visited the hospital and the doctor said it was hormonal inbalance . Some hormonal pills were prescribed for me which I took . The bleeding reduced and came back after sometime it became so bad I couldn’t sit for two hours without being soaked it continued like this for a month . The September Global commonion service was announced in my local church and I knew it was time for my miracle I went to church expectant as pastor lead us to break bread and drink the cup I knew it was my set time for a miracle I rejoiced in my spirit as I felt instantly that the bleeding stopped I went home with joy in my heart that night I slept well without interuptions of a soaked bed sheet . On Monday I checked and it was gone up till today my period has been regular . I am forever grateful to God and our man of God pastor Chris I love you sir thank you for impacting your world and giving many hope through the gospel I love you sir.
