Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).
In life, even as Christians, some people sometimes go through some very unpleasant experiences and pains. It could be some lofty expectations that didn’t come to pass, or even the sudden death of a loved one. Such challenging moments often pose serious tests to our faith, leaving us with the choice to either cave in and be overwhelmed, or embrace our circumstances with the right attitude of faith and be strengthened.
Our opening scripture is quite instructive as to what we must do in such trying moments. The Apostle Paul, in those verses, acknowledges the tribulations he encountered and the ensuing comfort he received from the Lord. He added that the comfort he received was to the intent that he might be able to comfort others who are in trouble, by the same comfort with which he was comforted by God. In other words, Paul chose to see his trials as moments of training, to prepare and equip him with the ability to help others in their times of trouble. What an attitude!
He didn’t grumble, complain, become discouraged or blame God for allowing such pains to be his lot. He looked away from them and took a hold of the comfort of the Spirit so he could help others by comforting them with the Word. In 2 Corinthians 4:17, he alluded to those trials and pains as “light affliction.” This should be your attitude as a child of God.
It’s important that you don’t allow any hurtful or unpleasant experience overwhelm you! Never allow yourself to be weighed down in the dust of pain and misery! Rather, always, be hopeful and courageous, irrespective of your experience. This is the winning attitude.
Remember that God has given you His life which you’ll account for. So on the day of reckoning you’re not going to use the excuse of pain and disappointments you experienced as reasons you couldn’t fulfill His calling for your life. So I urge you to be courageous and put on strength today, and always, irrespective of the challenges you may have faced.