God’s palpable presence felt everywhere as global audience worship God heartily at global service.
The September Global Communion Service with the man of God, Reverend (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome, hosted from Canada, and streamed to a global audience via various online platforms commenced gloriously. Member of the CEC, and Esteemed Regional Pastor of Christ Embassy Canada and South/Central America, Reverend Ken Oyakhilome, opened the meeting, leading the global audience in prayer.
Following, was a beautiful worship session anchored by renowned praise and worship leader, Eben, who led in songs. Studio audience and the global congregation participating online from all around the world, expressed heartfelt thanks to God. In anticipation of the Word for the month of September, beginning the last quarter of 2019, they opened their hearts to God in worship, singing along as Eben led. The palpable presence of God is evident in the studio and everywhere else around the world with participants.