Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come before him: worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness (1 Chronicles 16:29).
As the year draws to a fruitful end, it’s important that we make out time to thank God for His mighty blessings in our lives. Make today a special day of rejoicing, expressing profuse gratitude to the Lord for His blessings throughout this year.
There’re four important ways you’re to celebrate and thank the Lord today. First is through your prayer of thanksgiving; express yourself to Him with thanksgiving from your heart. Secondly, worship and praise Him profusely and ecstatically from your spirit. Thirdly, celebrate Him with your testimony—your testimony of thanksgiving. Testify of what He’s done in your life; eulogize Him for the joy of the Spirit that’s in your heart. Thank Him for the foundation of your spirit; the foundation of faith that God gave you. Celebrate the hope, and other blessings in your spirit.
Lastly, celebrate Him with an offering. We worship God with our offerings because He’s God. Your offering to God is an oblation, a testimony of your faith in Him. Give the Lord a special thanksgiving offering today, and project yourself into the greater future He’s planned for you.
Choose certain times or hours of the day to have celebration sessions alone or with your family. Make it an entire day of celebration, because you’re grateful for all that Christ is to you; you acknowledge and appreciate His grace at work in you.
Don’t spend time thinking about some unattained goals or “disappointments” you may have experienced in the year. Rather, celebrate Jesus, trusting that He’s already perfected all that concerns you. Rejoice! Shout and dance around in your room, glorifying the Name of Jesus. Celebrate His life that’s in you. Celebrate His Word that’s working mightily in you. Celebrate the prosperity, health, peace, joy, victories and life of glory that God has given you.