Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me (Hebrews 13:5-6).
In Mark 7:13, the Lord Jesus reprimanded the Jews for “Making the word of God of none effect through their tradition.” Can you imagine making the Word of God, which created the universe, of none effect? Sadly, that’s the way it is in the lives of many. The Word doesn’t work in their lives because they don’t connect with it. They hold on to their traditions against the Word.
Each time you study, or hear the Word preached and taught, connect with it, with the right attitude. Respond to the Word. This doesn’t mean to just memorize and recite the Word; no! God didn’t give us His Word just so you can quote it. He gave us His Word to use and to live by. There has to be a response from you; if there’s no response, the Word returns without actions and its unprofitable to you.
How do you respond to the Word? The answer is in our opening scripture: you boldly say what God has said! He gave you His Word so that you may boldly respond to it, and your response must be consistent with what He said. For example, He has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you”; that means you’ll never lack anything, be afraid of anything or anybody, because the Lord is with you. Therefore, no matter what happens, you’ll always win.
Now, you connect with that Word by responding accordingly; you say, “The Lord is my helper, and I shall not fear what man shall do unto me.” When you speak God’s Word in agreement with Him, you’re responding correctly. This is how you connect with the Word, and make it effective in your life.
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