If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth…. Ecclesiastes 11:3 KJV The heavens are ready, the angels are in action, the adversary trembles, the clouds are full of rain, and the field is primed for unprecedented harvest as we count up 24 hours to the Global Day of Prayer. Get set to wrought miracles as we join Pastor Chris at the Global Day of Prayer from 6:00 pm GMT +1, 1:00 pm EST from Friday 25th to Saturday 26th June 2021. Don’t miss it.
Remember to organize at least One PRAYER OUTREACH for the Global Day of Prayer:
👉STEP 1: Organize an onsite or online prayer outreach (3 – 20 non Christ Embassy participants) in your home, office or any location of choice before 12 midnight on Friday 25th and before 10pm on Saturday 26th June 2021. Set the date, time, and location.
👉STEP 2: Get all your participants to follow @PastorChrislive using your zone’s unique link, and invite them to participate in the Global Day of Prayer from Friday 25th – Saturday 26th June 2021 with you onsite, or online using your Zone’s unique Prayer Room link.
👉STEP 3: Post your pictures/videos of your Prayer Outreach(es) on your Kingschat timeline to inspire others to do the same using the following hashtags: #prayingNow #IAmAPrayerInfluencer #IAmAPriestInOffice #yourcountry
🌎Participate live on this platform, through our Loveworld Network Stations, Live TV and Ceflix Apps, all Ministry Online Platforms and Apps, as well as several terrestrial TV and Radio stations around the world.