Wealth For Everyday Solution
Give us this day our daily bread (Matthew 6:11)
As a child of God, the government of your country isn’t supposed to decide your prosperity. There’s a higher government—heaven’s government—and you belong in that government. Under heaven’s government, your financial prosperity is for all-time; there’s supply for you every day!
Unlike the governments of this world, there’s no “welfare” system or pension program with God. He’s bigger and does better than that. He has a glorious plan for your life and has made provisions for your future. You never have to live your life on some pension, charity, or benefit from the government or anyone. The Bible says He has given you all that pertains to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3); all that you need, to require no aid or support. Hallelujah!
God’s purpose is that you’re big enough to help others. He didn’t intend for you to be the one needing help. The Bible says saviours shall arise from Mount Zion (Obadiah 1:21); that’s you and me. We’re heirs of God, and through us He blesses and makes many rich. There’re many around us who are in dire need, and we must heed their cry for help.
We read in our theme verse how Jesus taught His disciples to pray. Part of the content of that prayer format was, “Give us this day our daily bread.” He was letting us know that there’s a daily provision, and your name is on it! The provisions you never claimed have accumulated, waiting for you.
It’s time to lay claims to them. It’s about time you said, “Father, I’m ready; all your daily provisions for me that I never claimed, I receive them now!” Have the boldness to call them forth. Don’t wait to get to heaven and discover there was so much you could have had that you never took advantage of. Claim what’s yours. Your salary or pension or profit from business aren’t your source. God is your source, and He has provision for you EVERY DAY. Praise God!
Thanks be unto God who daily loads me with benefits! He’s made all grace—every favour and earthly blessing—come to me in abundance, such that I’m always and under all circumstances and whatever the need, self-sufficient—possessing enough to require no aid or support, and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation. Hallelujah!
1 Timothy 6:17; 2 Corinthians 9:8 AMPC; Romans 8:32 NIV
1-YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Luke 8:1-21; Joshua 3-4
2-YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Romans 4:1-10; Psalm 101