The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love
of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen (2 Corinthians 13:14).
Your highest calling as a Christian is fellowship with the Lord. Without fellowship, nothing you do on earth is esteemed in Heaven. To fellowship with Jesus is to fellowship with the fullest revelation of the essence of deity. But you see, you can’t fellowship with Him except through the Holy Spirit.
That’s why I often wonder why some people think they don’t need the Holy Spirit. There’s nothing more void than a life without the Holy Spirit, because He’s the author of life. Without Him, all you
have will be darkness. He’s the One who gives you light and quickens the Word of God in your heart. God’s Word won’t mean anything to you without the insight and revelation the Holy Spirit
The Bible says His words are life to those that find them
(Proverbs 4:22); and the way to find them is through the Holy Spirit. Your desire should be to fellowship more with the Holy Spirit every
day; I mean fellowship with participation, where you’re actively engaged with Him in a romance of righteousness.
The glorious thing about this is that, for all the successes that you achieve through the guidance and wisdom you receive as you
fellowship with Him, He gives you the credit. Another beautiful
impact of your fellowship with Him is that you become so mingled
with Him that your body becomes His body; your tongue becomes
His tongue, your hands, His hands, and your feet, His feet. Hallelujah!
In this kind of relationship, every limit and barrier is taken off your way; you experience nothing but progress in life. You’re so full
of His glory and wisdom that they overflow from you to others. He
takes over your life and you experience unprecedented manifestations of His power that causes many to wonder at you. These and more are what fellowship with the Holy Spirit will bring to you. Praise God!
Dear Father, thank you for the Holy Spirit whom you’ve sent to
live in me and guide me in all things. Even now, He lifts my vision and enables me to see and live as a master over everything in this life. I control and dominate the forces of nature and the world, and live above circumstances by the power of the Holy Spirit. Blessed be God!
1 John 1:3; John 16:13; 1 Corinthians 1:9
1 YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: 1 Peter 3 & Ezekiel 31-32
2 YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Jude 1:12-25 & Hosea 1-2