“Let my prayer be set before you as incense, the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.” Psalm 141:2
There’re certain things you do at times of communion with the Father that are spiritual acts of worship, and tend to make your prayer much more effective. For example, when you bow your knees and lift your hands to the Lord in prayer; it’s a demonstration of deep spiritual truth revealed to us in God’s Word. There’s something powerful in the lifting up of our hands unto the Lord in prayer and in worship. As your hands are lifted up in the presence of the Lord during prayer, and you speak forth words of praise and worship to Him, extolling His majesty, you’re sending incense of a sweet-smelling savour unto heaven. Learn to do this often.
Paul prayed a beautiful prayer for the saints at Ephesus, making mention of how he bowed his knees in prayer: “For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named…” (Ephesians 3:14-15). As you bow your knees to the Lord in prayer, let your hands go up as well. This has nothing to do with whether or not you feel like it; do it because the Word says so. 1 Timothy 2:8 says “I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.” The Apostle Paul was referring to spiritual worship, where you extol the King and glorify His holy Name with your hands lifted high! The more you do this, praying intensely from your spirit, the easier it’ll be for you to make contact with God’s divine flow, making your life an outflow of the miraculous