And don’t let anyone put you down because you are young. Teach belivers with your life: by word, by demeanour, by love, by faith, by intergrity. (1 Timothy 4:12 MSG).
The christians are the stewards of the message of Christ. We are the ones He has authorized to carry forth His message to the people and teach them the same. This means that the responsibility of leadership has been thrust upon us. Jesus has made us leaders; He’s made us light to shine in our worlds and show others the way.
To be a leader, you don’t necessarily have to be the head of an organization. Genesis 39:1-5 tells us about Joseph, who was a slave in the house of Potiphar, yet the bible says he was a prosperous and effective man. He exhibited leadership qualities which distinguished him from all the other slaves and soon enough, he was put in charge of Portiphar’s own estate.
Your greatness isn’t in the definition of your assignment, but in the quality of your spirit, the excellence of your character. Thus even as a janitor, cleaner or a manager in an organisation, you can be so exceptional, examplary and inspiring.
Make up your mind to be that one person that will excel in whatever he does. If you work for an organisation, let your colleagues learn from you as they see you do more than you’re paid for. If you’re a politician, set an example for other politicians and be forthright. No matter your vocation, let your proficiency be a testimony of the excellent spirit within you. As a parent, lay good examples for your children.
Wherever you go, let people see your mark as a child of God. You’ve being sent to lead, therefore be that worthy example! Teach those in your home, school, neighbourhood and workplace how to live and do things right through your words, character, love, faith and intergrity.
Thank you pastor sir. I love you personally. This is a word from the spirit to another spirit. And is working wonders in me.